Monday, December 28, 2009

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

I had a brief but profound breakdown yesterday; and a clear revelation on an area that needs work today.

I am one of a few people whose MS Office updates threaten to wipe out my entire hard drive, including the installation of MS Office itself. I've had two such wipeouts: the second occurred yesterday.

I completely freaked out. I was overwhelmed because my cell phone acts the same way--it shuts down and malfunctions without warning. Am I in some kind of electromagnetic field that I don't see that attacks my technology?

I went to my only Source for help.

In my office in complete darkness, I cried out to God. Why was this happening? What He dismantling my business in one fell swoop? Was I on the wrong track in terms of my calling?

I whined and whimpered to my husband. On that computer was three years worth of work. I can't rebuild it. What do I do now?

Deep in my spirit was the question, Where is my worth now? I'm not a coach if I don't have a business. I'm not a teacher if all my material is wiped out. I don't have a 'job,' I can't keep house and I can't cook. What good am I?


I turned my computer off and went to sleep. I hoped things would be better in the morning.

They were.

First, I got to see the early part of the sun rise. It is breathtaking to me every time I see the light in the sky change with hope and promise for a better day.

Second, my computer restored itself. Everything is in its rightful place. Some people call it magic, but I call it the mercy and favor of God. I knew a lesson was coming.

Third, I read the attached meditation from Laity Lodge. I was reminded that even though the sunrise is breathtaking, and God's demonstration of His love and mercy in our everyday lives is awe-inspiring, God still sees ME as His most treasured creation.

While I may only see value in myself for what I can DO, He sees value in me simply for what I AM: His beautiful creation, His mirror reflection, His beloved.

He feels that way about YOU, too!

As we seek God to learn more about our spiritual gifts, talents, callings, skills, positions, etc., let's help each other remember that none of that in itself is our value when it comes to our God. Our challenge is to extend the love of Christ not only to others, but to ourselves as well.

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