Saturday, December 5, 2009

You've Got It All!

I'm not at all big on obligatory gifts. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays--none of that. Even as we approach the holiday season and everyone is cramming the malls searching for sales, I'm not shopping. That's just me. My thought is, what in the world can I get my relative/friend/mailcarrier/hairdresser/dog groomer that she/he doesn't already have?

Rather than calling it laziness, being cheap, or a lack of creativity, let's just say that I have the mind of Christ on this one: I believe that everyone has everything they need.

As individuals and as a church, we really do have every spiritual gift we need. We may not have everything we WANT, but we do have all that we need. There's no use waiting around to have gigantic or special gifts bestowed on us, because we already have them. God has placed His gifts to us right where we can find and use them, for His glory and for our benefit.

We've established that, if you have a gift, it's definitely not from me :). But you do have gifts, lots of them, from our Creator. What are they? Where are they? How are you using them? How are they working with the gifts of others?

To find out more about your particular set of gifts, talents, and characteristics, sign up for the INSIGHT 12-week coaching series. For more information, visit

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