Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Knowing Your Gifts Is Important

Why would you want to know what your spiritual gifts are? Because how God has gifted you is the key to knowing His purpose for putting you on this earth!

Some questions that might help you discover your spiritual gifts and your life purpose:
  1. If I were to ask you right now what your personal life purpose is on earth, what would your initial answer be? (This purpose is aligned with the Great Commission, but it would be your individual, unique assignment in light of advancing God's kingdom on earth.) Your initial response may give some concrete clues to what your gifts may be.
  2. What's that thing that you're passionate about, but few other people understand? That may be a clue to an area that God has highlighted specifically for you in His unique 'wiring' of you
  3. What do you love to do so much that you'd pay someone else to let you do it? That is a unique gifted area. For example, not everyone loves public speaking, teaching, hanging out with teenagers, cleaning, donating tons of their hard-earned money to church and charity,etc. If you do, you're a gifted stand-out. Run with it!
  4. What is the one, single thing for yourself and for God's kingdom that you would do if you weren't afraid? A-HA! This is the single biggest clue to your spiritual gift.
Don't let fear get in the way of the use of your gifts to answer God's call on your life. If you're ready to step out and make 2010 a better year than any you've had before, start your journey of spiritual discovery NOW!

Go to and sign up for your free, 30 minute strategy session. You will come away from your session with a concrete plan of action to maximize your impact and realize your dreams by using your unique gifts, talents, passions to move forward.

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