Sunday, January 31, 2010

Time Management for Leaders

A great leader’s top action priorities are always founded on first things first. (1 Cor 9:26)

Urgent fires. Squeaky wheels. Energy drains. Long to-do lists. The days, energies and focuses of leaders are too often made of these things.

For leaders who are most successful and have the greatest impact, one of the tools they always have available to them is a process that allows them to prioritize tasks, energies and goals.

First things have certain elements in common:

1. God-ordained priorities – Leaders of faith dedicate their days, tasks and to-do lists to God on a regular basis; and organize their priorities in response to the leading they sense from Him.

2. Destiny-alignment – If a task takes you off of your destiny path even a little, it’s worth assessing whether or not that task should be shelved or delegated to another, competent, trustworthy person.

3. Genuine importance - Complaints, benign requests, drama, drudgery, mindless tasks, and leftovers from yesterday’s lists have no place on a leader’s to-do list! Instead, replace those with first things—responsibilities that advance your vision and take it to the next level.

4. Prioritizes people – Connecting with team members, supervisors, allies, partners, family members, and other important people is what continues to sustain leaders over time. ‘Busy’ work will always be there, but true leaders make sure that their relationships are primary in their work and in their lives.

Are your first things really first? If not, what single step can you take right now to realign your priorities to reflect your values, vision and passions?

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