Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dream Bigger Dreams

The High Calling blogger Michele Corbet asks readers, 'What Drives Your Dreams?'  The essential point that Michele raises is that people need to dream bigger dreams based on well-grounded, Godly wisdom.

Does that resonate with you? Should dreams be 'grounded' by rationality?

As a life and leadership coach, I am privvy frequently to listen in on people's dreams.  I have the most blessed job in the world, which is to nurture those dreams into reality.  My job is not to hold people back and get them to think rationally:  it's that kind of thinking that has them stuck in the 'now' as it is.  It is my job is to challenge them to take conscious, workable steps toward the vision that they see and that they think is so far off.

While fellow blogger Michele is speaking to one issue related to dreaming (a lack of Godly wisdom), I see another issue that presents itself far more often. 

It's not that my coaching partners don't have a plan, a dream, or wisdom.  It's not that they have pipe dreams or pie-in-the-sky visions of taking the short road to Easy Street.    It's not that they don't pray or consult Scripture or that they isolate themselves from others.

Most of my coaching partners have the problem of not seeing themselves or their vision the way that God sees it all:  BIGGER and BETTER.

I've known of ministers, so-called coaches, disciplers and mentors who work hard to 'anchor' the dreams of those with whom they work.  Like Michele has done in her blog post, they tell dreamers not to be wise in their own eyes or not to think more highly of themselves or their abilities than they should.  From my perspective, these admonishments (usually given early on without any proof that 'gradiosity' is an issue) only serve to make small visions even smaller, and to hold people back from reaching their true God-given potential.

Applying the principles that appear in 2 Corinthians 3, we should and can be bolder with our dreams than ever, as long as we are sure that these are from the Lord and according to His plan:

  • God thinks a lot of you, and you should think a lot of you, too.  That doesn't mean that you should boast in yourself or in your own strength:  but it does mean that you should have faith that God means good things for you, and be secure in that.
  • The quality of the life you're living in Christ is your letter of recommendation.  If your walk is not as it should be, improve it.  Fast, pray, study, get discipleship support, and submit to a Godly plan of accountability.  We all need time to grow, develop and change as we walk with the Lord.
  • You don't need outsiders to approve of you as a person, or to approve of your gifts, talents and callings, BUT
  • You do need to submit to God and let Him change the way you think about your calling, gifts, talents and yourself.  Because your calling and equipping is genuine, you don't have to fear being tested by the Spirit:  and if it's not, you'll find out soon enough.
  • Trust God Himself through your relationship with Christ.  He has qualified you for what it is that He has called you to do.  Whatever He has called you to do is according to His word:  if your vision or calling is contrary to the Word, put it down and run the other way!
  • Step over the old rules, and into the leading of the Holy Spirit.  The days when only certain people could see their dreams manifested are over. 
  • There is liberty in Christ.  When you're feeling held back, critized, challenged, or like your dream is too big, check with God about it.  His way of doing things is not the way we would choose.  He will keep His word to you about your visions and dreams, regardless.
  • Be bold.  Know that you are both seeing God's glory as He opens doors for you and gives you a clearer vision; and that you are reflecting His glory as you are following the path of destiny that He has set before you.
  • One test of your true calling is that you should look more and more like Him as you move forward.  Be honest in your assessment as you move forward with your dream, and submit to Godly wisdom (on that, Michele and I wholeheartedly agree!).  If you are getting away from the Word or getting more into your own ideas vs. those that He has led you to, take the time you need to get back on course.

If you have a vision you're nurturing, a dream that needs to be realized, a burning desire to know more about who and how God is calling you to serve, or if you need to get on track with your call, consider my INSIGHT Spiritual Gifts and Talents Coaching Series as a resource for you; or visit my website to sign up for a complimentary coaching strategy session.

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